Maps, Data & Profiles
Schools and Trees Planted-to-date in Syracuse, New York
This map shows the canopy cover and trees planted to date compared to the locations of Syracuse public schools. As seen on the map, schools in the Near West Side, Westcott, Eastwood, Northside, and Court-Woodlawn neighborhoods have more trees planted to date than other neighborhood schools. The inset map of the Near West Side neighborhood and the inset map of the Park Ave neighborhood contrast planting efforts near schools. In the Near West Side neighborhood, the schools shown have had high numbers of tree plantings within a quarter mile of the schools. In contrast, Frazer School in the Park Ave neighborhood has not had any trees planted within a quarter mile of the school. The schools that have had no plantings may be areas where tree-planting programming could be arranged in collaboration with local schools (see the Excel file titled: Trees Planted-to-Date Within a Quarter Mile from Schools in Syracuse, NY. CCE and Save the Rain can promote stormwater management and ecological literacy, simultaneously.