Student Profile
Eduardo Nuñez-Amador
I am Senior majoring in Geography with a concentration in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and a minor in Information Management and Technology. I first heard about Syracuse Community Geography from my advisor, Jane Read. I am interested in how the program merges community engagement and spatial analysis to identify and find solutions for areas of concern in Central New York. I grew up in the Bronx, an NYC Borough that contains some of the most impoverished neighborhoods in the country, so community revitalization is a cause I deeply care about. As an intern, I aim to grow and use my skills to effectively impact the city of Syracuse, while simultaneously amassing valuable experience in GIS, professional writing, communication, networking, and teamwork. My research interests include improving the effectiveness, safety, and security of transportation, and visualizing the effects of climate change. After graduation in Spring 2017, I would like to gain more experience in an entry level job before I start working towards a career with U.S. Geospatial Intelligence.