Student Profile
Samantha Poccia
I am currently living in Boston and I work for Communispace Corporation, a market research agency. I am an Associate Consultant and I work with Fortune 500 companies to bring them closer to their consumers. I work on 3 account teams, and also am part of our Innovation team. The Innovation team runs full-day in-person workshops with clients and consumers to generate ideas for the future of how that client can do business that would best solve needs of consumers. I use my skills from my SCG internship in the forms of research, connecting with people and helping to solve the needs of business. I had worked with you on the Syracuse Community Gardens project, creating marketing materials and figuring out where the needs were for the community gardens. I do this today in my job by creating materials for my clients to help them understand where they can better serve their clients. I research background on my client’s business and industry to have the most up-to-date knowledge and to keep myself informed. By identifying these needs in my client’s business we can help them grow in the right direction.
I am not in grad school, but I am currently contemplating going back to school to get my Masters in Nutrition. I have been researching my options to see if this is the best fit for me.