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Housing and Trees Planted-to-date in Syracuse, New York
Median housing value data are from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2000 Census. The Census Bureau states that, “…median divides the value distribution into two equal parts: one-half of the cases falling below the median value of the property (house and lot) and one-half above the median. Median value calculations are rounded to the nearest hundred dollars.” One limitation of this dataset is that the information is dated, but because the 2010 Census does not report housing value and the American Community Survey median housing value data have significant sampling error for census tracts, the 2000 census data are the best available. Housing values have not changed that significantly in Syracuse over the last decade, therefore, 2000 data do provide a relatively accurate picture of housing value. Housing value is an indicator of which locations, within Syracuse, could benefit from street tree planting in regards to increasing neighborhood home values.
The median housing values are lowest in Park Ave, University Hill, Southwest, Southside, Brighton, and Northside neighborhoods. Similarly, the highest numbers of vacant properties are in these neighborhoods and in the Near Westside. University Hill does not have a high percentage of vacant housing in spite of its low median housing value. Owner occupancy is greatest on the periphery of the city in neighborhoods such as Winkworth, Strathmore, Elmwood, the Valley, University Neighborhood, Meadowbrook, Eastwood, Sedgewick and Court-Woodlawn. Conversely, the highest concentration of renter-occupied housing is in the city’s center and Northside neighborhoods.